All About Larimar

This San Diego girl is drawn to the ocean. It is where I go to find peace when life is in chaos. It restores my soul and helps me regain balance. On weeks where I can’t make it over to my sanctuary in the sand, the stone of the sea brings me back to a state of peace and calm. Here at SetNStone Shop, we pride ourselves on our stunning selection of Larimar.
About Larimar
Millions of years ago, the volcanic eruptions of the Dominican Republic met the force of the Caribbean Ocean forming the rare blue pectolite we know as Larimar. It is sometimes referred to as the “dolphin stone” or “Atlantis stone”. Larimar has a beautiful blue and milky hue that resembles the stunning azure waters of the Caribbean. Fitting, as the only place you can find Larimar is the Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic. Its rarity is amplified by the mining process it takes to bring larimar to our shop and ultimately to your home. Hurricane season, difficult terrain, and the delicacy of the stone amplify its exclusivity and ultimately its price tag. Larimar must be mined by hand as more forceful mining methods will damage or destroy the precious gem. Imagine hand digging hundreds of feet below the surface in a wet, tropical climate. Bless the miners willing to bring this stunning gem to our homes and collections.
Real vs Fake
At SetNStone Shop, we offer the highest grade Larimar and pride ourselves on our high quality selection. With its rise in popularity, some manufacturers have started producing fake Larimar, claiming it as legit and high grade. One simple way to know if your Larimar is real is a scratch test. Larimar rates 4.5-5 on the MOHS scale of hardness. Meaning it is softer than many other gemstones. If you’re questioning the authenticity of your piece you can carefully take a piece of quartz and gently scratch the unpolished piece of Larimar. If you intend to create jewelry from your piece, make sure you test on the back side. If it doesn’t scratch, it is NOT larimar. Keep in mind that Larimar has creamy white veins/streaks, but does not have the small crystal-like cracks as you might see in quartz. Dyed quartz is being sold by some vendors as Larimar.
If you’re questioning the quality of your stone, there are some easy ways to determine if your piece is truly AAA grade.
The dark blue and translucent are most valued but sky blue with milky veins are also very in demand. Other factors include a glossy appearance, free of defects like cracks or divots. Translucent portions where light can filter through are also indicators of high quality. Check out the GIA (Gem Institute of America) to learn more.
The hot and cold process that lead to its formation makes Larimar a very balancing stone. Hot tempered people can benefit from its cooling and calming nature. Some claim to have experienced benefits relating to treating high blood pressure, sleep disorders, skin conditions, and as a remedy for fever and rashes. Larimar opens the throat chakra and is said to help soothe throat ailments and remove blockages in the upper body.
Known as a communication stone, Larimar puts out calming energies that allow us to have productive and peaceful conversations. It can strengthen your voice and removes toxic thoughts that impede our ability to communicate. The cool shades of Caribbean blue are said to wash away anxious thoughts making it an excellent stone for worried and weighted minds. It can empower us to find our courage and overcome our fears. If you’re facing emotional walls, Larimar can cleanse the blockages making way for deeper connection and opening the path to the Divine Feminine.
Our Chakras are the pathways through which energy flows in our body. When blocked, we cannot operate at our best self. Larimar opens the throat chakra and can bring healing benefits to the heart, third eye, and crown chakras as well. Cleansing these chakras can bring us deeper inner perspective and promote trust, communication, love, and connection to higher beings. Larimar is commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture and meditation due to its cleansing and calming properties.
How to Use
Larimar can fade if left in direct sunlight or submerged in water for too long. Remember, it is a balancing stone and the extremes will affect it. To charge your Larimar, set it under the moonlight, a full moon is ideal. To clean, use clean water and a few drops of mild soap. Give it a gentle washing, rinse, and dry gently with a soft cloth.
One way to feel the benefits from Larimar is to wear it as jewelry. Keeping it against the skin allows the healing benefits to pass directly to your person. Pendants, earrings, rings, and bracelets are all great options. The closer to the upper chakras, the more powerful the cleansing benefits will be.
Keeping a piece in your home/ office space can bring balancing energy to your environment. Additionally, it can help the communication in your home and work life flourish. Complementary stones include blue lace agate, rose quartz, or amethyst.
Check out our stunning selection of Larimar on the website and remember to follow us on Instagram to participate in the live shows!